
I like to bring ideas, enthusiasm and a determined spirit together to help innovative people make a difference.

Hi, I’m Claire. I started this blog in 2014 as an exploration of topics that are important to me, both professionally and personally.

I’ve always been someone who loves exploring creative ideas and putting them into action. I’m also someone who sees potential connections and potential opportunities. Be they between people, organisations, activities or projects. I’m also about making the world a better place, contributing quality and acting with integrity.

I’ve worked in science communication, project management and communication management and have a mix of skills and experiences with different organisations and individuals.

This website, though, is about my general interests and the things I learn. If you’re interested in working with me, please visit my consultancy website at: Innovate Communicate.

I reside in Sydney, Australia but work worldwide online (AKA ‘digital nomad’).