Getting started: sometimes easy, sometimes not

Credit: JakeandLindsay Sherbert via Flickr, CC BY 2.0
My first post on my new blog. Some people say getting started is the hardest thing. I find that for me it’s usually finishing things off that is less enjoyable than starting, planning, getting excited, pulling everyone together…
Taking the impetus from Scott Dinsmore’s blog challenge, I’m writing a blog to explore topics that matter to me; including those that are uplifting, innovative or even confusing.
Getting this blog up has been a goal for about six months. I was convinced that I needed to have a really clear angle for the blog. At one point I was getting close as I was facing potential redundancy in my job and I was planning on starting my own business. But recently I got a new job (same organisation) with a new, challenging remit and I’m quite excited by it. I also want to explore some other things I’m passionate and intrigued by in my ‘non-work’ time.
So here’s to a start. I have written a blog before, back when it was not really a normal thing to do :). European Adventure was all about a year I spent abroad. For a travel blast from the past. you’re welcome to check it out.
Bye for now